Chillin at the Crib

I just had a nap! Wheeeee!


I carried around a little fish bowl with a red fish inside for participation's sake. Trick or treating was great and we enjoyed meeting the neighbors! Lucy waxed poetic by saying: "Mom look! I see a sliver of a moon shining through the night!" Auntie Sarah stayed at our house so we could both go out and accompany the kids.

Lucy did a great job trick or treating and was so funny about the candy. She'd say trick or treat! and then if she was offered the whole bowl she'd try and grab a whole bunch, unless they said "only one" and then she'd reluctantly pick out one. At one house a nice man told her she could have three if she could count them, and she made her parents proud by saying "uno, dos tres!" Of course, then she only took two :) But we were proud anyhow. Now comes the fun part of limiting her candy intake and making sure she brushes her teeth well.


Cardboard boxes are the best!

Homecoming Parade

Go Hawks!
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Trailer Ride

A big hug (just short of a stranglehold).

Rainbow Toast

Making an edible masterpiece!

At the Orchard

Guess which one of us is teething.

With our friends Charlie, Tess and Eve on the tractor ride.

The best place to be in the fall.

Neigh Comes Home!

Neigh Comes Home! from Andrew on Vimeo.

Max's First Bites!

Like any good Sherburne, Max wasnt sure he liked it, but he kept eating anyway.
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Vacation in Northern Minnesota

A bunch of pictures from our incredibly enjoyable but hardly-relaxing-with-two-kids-under-3 vacation with the family.

5 months!

Max is five months! Well, almost, 4 2/3rds. But he looks like a big boy doesn't he?
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Tummy time

Tummy time for Max and Neigh
Lucy decides she needs tummy time too

This weekend Max decided to start laughing, reaching for things and roll from front to back and back to front. He also decided that he likes tummy time. Way to reach all your 4 month milestones at once, buddy!
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Trip To Des Moines

Enjoying a rare moment to relax with a sleeping baby on my chest
Lucy helping Grandma Sal make chocolate chip cookies
Lucy eating flour and loving it
Lucy sneaking more flour

Those were the best cookies I've ever had! Thanks for "helping" Lucy!
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July 4th In Minnesota

Lucy Mom

Lucy has two babies- Sheepy and Neigh. She is a very good mother to her babies- copies everything we do for max. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the baby explosion of Malin (Sarah Brakke's 4 month), Elizabeth (Zeb and Leana's 6 month), Matilda (Tom and Megan's 5 month), Ozan (Ayca and Kristof's 4 month), and Maeve (Nordy and Lorraine's 4 month). I know there are more that I'm forgetting even!

If we didn't redirect her, she'd spend every hour of the day tending to her babies. She puts them down in their bunkbeds, turns on white noise and the night light for them and then comes down stairs. Not a minute later she reports that Neigh is crying and has to go check on him. It's just a matter of time before Neigh is poopy and needs to be changed. She uses a plastic bag for his dirty diapers, just like Sarah Brakke does for Max. Neigh also plays with Max's toys, goes in the swing, bouncer and often Max's bassinet. As soon as I get home from work, Lucy MUST pump. She pumps a bottle for sheepy and a bottle for neigh. Not to mention they both have their own pacifiers! Lucy is a VERY good mother to her babies.

Back when Max (and the other little babies) were in Moby's (baby carriers/slings) and Bjorn's/Snugglies, she would request that we put Neigh or Sheepy in a "moby" which involved wrapping a blanket around her chest and tying it in the back so she could carry her babies just like we did. Oh, and Sheepy and Neigh have their own stroller, too! Those are two very lucky little "friends" to be loved so much :)

Pool time!

Finally got into the pool after many hours turning it from a pond to a pool. Had to commemorate the experience with a photo because at times it seemed it would never be ready! Needless to say, we've been in the pool every day during this heat! Lucy was nervous at first but now is swimming around in her life vest like a pro.
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Max & Giraffe

Max and his new best friend Sophie.


Tonight was a silly night!
Lucy loves playing in the curtains. She insisted I post this to the blog.
The most recent game has been "carry me in a pillowcase". It involves, well, carrying her in a pillowcase around the house. Occasionally we try and throw out the lumpy pillow and then out pops Lucy! Who knew she was in there?
It was so fun we both were grinning ear to ear.

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Pancakes from Andrew on Vimeo.

Memorial Day at City Park

What better way to spend memorial day than at the amusement park with friends.

May Days

Seven weeks have gone by fast and Max keeps getting bigger. But, we've had a lot of great visits from friends and family, which I've done a terrible job of photographing enough of because, see...we have two kids now. Good to see everyone in Iowa City!


We had a great time visiting Des Moines for Easter. Thanks to the Graf's for having everyone! Max got to meet the Parliman family and was quite the charmer with his calm demeanor. Lucy, of course, was the real center of attention. Make sure to read the captions!

Max at One Week

Max Serenaded at Bathtime

Max Takes a Bath from Andrew on Vimeo.


Max Graf Sherburne was born at 5:51pm Saturday, March 26! He's back home after one day in the hospital with friends and family.