Inside Fun!
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
cupcakes fuzzballs,

Wind Back the Clock for the WInd Up Duck
Lucy hearts this wind-up duck. This video was taken in April when Lucy was just over a year, but I finally got around to editing it together.
Ride Sally RIde
Sally's Winning Ride from Andrew on Vimeo.
We got to watch Sally ride Hope on a blue ribbon ride in Cedar Rapids. We had a great time, especially Lucy.
More evidence of canine heritage
Daughter or Dogger? from Andrew on Vimeo.
Between this and the dog bowl, I'm a bit concerned. Better get her a rabies vaccine.
A Drink of Water
Lucy Drinking from a Bowl from Andrew Sherburne on Vimeo.
Selby makes for a great role model.
The first video from the new camera. Of course it looks like terrible thanks to blogger compression. I'll have to set up a Vimeo account.
On Saturday we went to Hickory Hill where there is a GREAT sledding hill. Lucy was more interested in the fact that Selby was chasing us down the hill than in our sled rides, but we all had fun and a family nap was in order after all that hiking and sledding!