Tick Tock Tick Tock

Cuckoo! from Andrew on Vimeo.

Lucy amuses us with a new song she learned at day care!

Get to work!

Hey, break's over!

Naughty or Nice?

Naughty or Nice from Andrew on Vimeo.

Sally's Beauty Salon

Curly hair made curlier.


Lucy loves exploring the toys at Grandma's house!

Bye Bye Dirt

Bye Bye Dirt from Andrew on Vimeo.

Get to work Cinderella!


Outside Fun

Wilson's Farm with Zeb and Amelia

She was very excited to stand amidst the pumpkins!

At Kruel Family Farms

A ghost says "boo!"

Playing on top of the hay bales

Lost in the corn maze

Inside Fun!

We made cupcakes when Ayca and Kristof came to visit.
We bought a bag of fuzzy balls from the craft store. Best $3 ever.
Lucy loves books...if they have gimmicks, pulltabs, popups, and the like.
It took some diligence, but Liz's playdough experiment was an overwhelming success.


Pumpkin Bowling! from Andrew on Vimeo.

Dinnertime Silliness

Covered in avocado and actin real goofy.


There are three hummingbirds that feed in our butterfly garden, a male, a female and a juvenile. They're addicted to the sugar water.

Wind Back the Clock for the WInd Up Duck

Lucy hearts this wind-up duck. This video was taken in April when Lucy was just over a year, but I finally got around to editing it together.

Castles Made of Sand

Today was the Sand in the City Festival in Iowa City. Andrew half-built three castles. Lucy made sure that all three were properly razed to the ground before completion.

Ride Sally RIde

Sally's Winning Ride from Andrew on Vimeo.

We got to watch Sally ride Hope on a blue ribbon ride in Cedar Rapids. We had a great time, especially Lucy.

Hummingbird moth

Hummingbird Moth from Andrew on Vimeo.

Pool Sharks

At the pool from Andrew on Vimeo. Can't beat the splash pad on a 95 degree day.

More evidence of canine heritage

Daughter or Dogger? from Andrew on Vimeo.

Between this and the dog bowl, I'm a bit concerned. Better get her a rabies vaccine.


Lucy's favorite animal to sleep with.

Stop! Hammock time!

Every time you see it, the Hammocks just so hype.

$8 well spent, well, plus the water.
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Sleep or Pizza?

Sleepy Pizza from Andrew on Vimeo.

Tough Choice.

A Drink of Water

Lucy Drinking from a Bowl from Andrew Sherburne on Vimeo.

Selby makes for a great role model.

Sioux Falls 2010

Memorial Day in Sioux Falls.

A Few Days at the Park

Lucy, Amelia and Ben enjoying the weather.

Buckethead Take 2

Buckethead, now in glorious HD.

In the grass

Lucy had to stay home sick for a few days. The last day wasn't a REAL sick day, just keeping the sickness away from the other bees, so we went to the lake to keep busy.


Nothing better on a hot sunny day than ice cream! Except chalk! The blue chalk is the best.

Lucy Pets the Goats

Lucy Goes to the Petting Zoo from Andrew Sherburne on Vimeo.


Hammock courtesy the Dixon-Gales, hammock stand courtesy Grandma Pat and Grandpa Paul, relaxation courtesy springtime.


The first video from the new camera. Of course it looks like terrible thanks to blogger compression. I'll have to set up a Vimeo account.

Every Girl Needs a Robot

'nuff said.
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Hooty Who?

There are two barred owls that live around our yard.

We've got an owl call on the computer that brings them flying in every time.

Lucy's gotten into owl watching and if asked "Whay does an owl say?" responds "hoooOOOO!" and points to the trees!
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Happy Meal

Lucy wearing her Happy Meal hat after her first trip to McDougals. She liked the fries, not a fan of the apples, lukewarm on the lukewarm nuggets.
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Picture me rollin'

Pulling the wraps off Lucy's new wheels!

Still not sure what this thing is...

OH! It's a car! Thanks aunt Nancy and uncle Lee!

Still 15 more years until you can drive that thing legally you know.

Springtime is here

Feeding the ducks in the park. Floating ice was sometimes misidentified as a "duh."

An intrepid backyard explorer.

Where did all the white stuff go?

Playing outside is so much fun!

Saturday Morning

Somebody discovered the BOX of Cheerios this morning.

Somebody else discovered floor Cheerios.



On Saturday we went to Hickory Hill where there is a GREAT sledding hill. Lucy was more interested in the fact that Selby was chasing us down the hill than in our sled rides, but we all had fun and a family nap was in order after all that hiking and sledding!

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Good Grief!

It's fun to brush your teeth!

Ben and Lucy


Christmas with the Armstrong Sherburnes

Christmas with the Grafs


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