Happy Halloween!

Amerignome Gothic

In the Garden

Gnome more Mr. Nice Guys

Lucygnome and the costume maker
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Downy Woodpecker
Goldfinch swarm my "sock" feeder.

Tom and Barb visit from Sioux Falls (and Katy!)

Lucy is making a habit of sleeping in Tom's arms!

Lucy meets Katy

Lucy had a blast swinging at City Park

She couldn't get enough jumping!
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Is there a doctor in the house?

Lucy diagnosed herself with a runny nose.

Grandparent Invasion!

Asleep in my arms
Intrigued by Grandpa's long fingers
Lucy gave away Grandpa's hand during Euchre
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More Than a Feeling

We had an awesome time visiting Neali, Justin, Paisley and Beckett in Boston. Thanks for all the fun times (and the sherbers)!