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Something Resembling Real Life
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Lucy's first snowman, thanks to help from Grandpa Tom and Auntie Sarah!
Snow Days
Not quite the Hollidazzle tour, but our first Christmas lighting experiment.
Lucy barely fits in her new one-piece snowsuit.
Duck hunt.
Shackleton's crew ready for Eagle spotting.
What I learned over Thanksgiving, By Lucy Sherburne
People found my ability to squeeze into small places *very* funny
Vintage toys are the coolest!
Grandpa finally let me see where my cheerios come from!
After further inspection, Uncle John is NOT wearing traditional Scottish Armstrong Plaid.
What I learned, part 2
Auntie Judy gives very good snuggles!
Stairs are *really* fun!
Especially when mom is at the top
Beautiful scenery is best viewed with a full stomach
What I learned, part 3
I LOVE Auntie Nina's earrings!
Thanksgiving is one fun holiday!
Cat Dance
Believe it or not, we've taught Lucy and Gizmo to dance with eachother!
Just kidding. They are separated by the back door. But it sure is cute regardless!
Road trip to see GG
Lucy makes herself at home in GG's arms- I mean...arm.
Young hands, wise hands
Is it just me or are they making the same expression?
Adventures in Eating
Sticky rice is pretty darn sticky! (note: it's not only on her face, but her bib, hands, arm, tray, etc)
In hindsight, blackberries were *probably* not the best idea.
Of Leaves and Lanterns
Lucy and Liz love leaves!
(not really, but they were fun to play in once they were all raked into a pile!)
What, there's no candy in this thing?
Jack-o-lantern Trio! too bad we didn't have a single trick-or-treater to show them off to!
Thank you Grandma Poot and Grandpa Paul for my Halloween Stripes!
Happy Halloween!
Amerignome Gothic
In the Garden
Gnome more Mr. Nice Guys
Lucygnome and the costume maker
Downy Woodpecker
Goldfinch swarm my "sock" feeder.
Tom and Barb visit from Sioux Falls (and Katy!)
Lucy is making a habit of sleeping in Tom's arms!
Lucy meets Katy
Lucy had a blast swinging at City Park
She couldn't get enough jumping!
Is there a doctor in the house?
Lucy diagnosed herself with a runny nose.
Grandparent Invasion!
Asleep in my arms
Intrigued by Grandpa's long fingers
Lucy gave away Grandpa's hand during Euchre
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